What is a Coil Balance System?
Not all vinyl windows are the same. Balancers are hardware that designers use to help you raise sashes and to hold them in place wherever you want them in your window frame. Balancers are fastened to the window’s jambs and are connected to the sash by the balance shoe and pivot bar in a typical tilt-sash design. Our system, the most popular type in the remodeling and replacement window market, is based upon tooled stainless steel that stores tensioned energy in a very tight coil. Each coil has a weight capacity it can lift. This steel spring is referred to as a coil balance, and has been called a constant force balancer. The upper drawing depicts a coil balance installed inside the jamb. Beneath is a photograph of three of the coil balances ready for installation on our line. Coil balancers are hidden behind the sash, making it easier for window installation. They need no adjustment and operate quietly and more smoothly than any other balancer type in vinyl windows.